Tukijamme ovat lahjoittaneet lisävaroja köyhimpien perheiden tukemiseen ja niinpä on saatu hankittua uusi satsi ruokaa perheille, tällä kertaa myös vihanneksia.
Tuotteet on lajiteltu ja punnittu tarkasti ja tasapuolisesti. Sen jälkeen ne on pussitettu.
Jokaisessa pussissa on kymmentä eri vihannesta tai juuresta sekä riisiä.
Hankimme myös hygieniatuotteita jaettavaksi, kuten esimerkiksi saippuaa ja terveyssiteitä.
Our supporters have donated additional funds to support the poorest families, and thus, we have been able to purchase a new amount of food for the families, this time also including vegetables. The products have been sorted out and weighed accurately and evenly. After that they have been put into bags. Each bag contains ten different sorts of vegetables or root crops and rice.
We also acquired hygiene products, for example soap and sanitary towels, for distribution.
Hankimme myös hygieniatuotteita jaettavaksi, kuten esimerkiksi saippuaa ja terveyssiteitä.
Our supporters have donated additional funds to support the poorest families, and thus, we have been able to purchase a new amount of food for the families, this time also including vegetables. The products have been sorted out and weighed accurately and evenly. After that they have been put into bags. Each bag contains ten different sorts of vegetables or root crops and rice.
We also acquired hygiene products, for example soap and sanitary towels, for distribution.

Saksalainen lahjoittajamme Anja ystävineen on lahjoittanut varoja myös Boossan kylän muiden kuin oppilaidemme perheiden ruoka-avun mahdollistamiseksi. Ruokapusseja jaettiin päivän aikana yhteensä 100 kpl.
Our German donator Anja and her friends have donated funds to also provide food aid to other families in the Boossa village in addition to those of our pupils. A total of 100 food bags were distributed during the day.