After receiving the new collection licence, school operations continue to be secured. As the account changed into a company account, the collection licence will be continuous. However, it will demand more work from us responsible, and the account management costs also increased considerably. Nevertheless, we are pleased to do this work supporting joy and learning and we want to guarantee the opportunity for education and perhaps, along with it, a better future.
Schools in the villages Boossa and Rejjipura, for children. LAHJOITUSTILI DONATIONS: Telluschool tukiyhdistys ry. FI37 1544 3000 3468 95. Maksun viitenumero The payment reference number 7896 Keräyslupa Collection permit RA/2023/1047. If you wish, please contact: OR
Oppimiselle mahdollisuus Opportunity for Learning
Uusi keräyslupa- ja tilinumero New Collection Licence and Account Number
Vanhan keräysluvan loputtua uuden luvan myötä tilimme vaihtui yritystiliksi ja näin ollen tilinhoitokulut lisääntyvät.
Tilinumero: FI37 1544 3000 3468 95
Lahjoitusta tehdessä maksun viite 7896
Seuraavassa luvan vaatimat tiedot, jotka kuuluu aina uuden luvan saatuamme ilmoittaa:
• rahankeräyksen järjestäjä
Telluschool tukiyhdistys ry.
• järjestäjän yhteystiedot
• rahankeräysluvassa määrätty rahankeräysvarojen käyttötarkoitus
Telluschool koulun ylläpito eli
- opettajien palkat,
- lasten oppimis- ja opiskelutarvikkeet,
- oppilaiden välipalat
- koulurakennusten kunnostaminen ja huolto
• mahdollinen toissijainen rahankeräysvarojen käyttötarkoitus
- Ruoka- ja lääkeapu perheille Sri Lankassa
• lupanumero
New Collection Licence and Account Number
After the termination of the old collection licence and with the new licence, our account will change into a company account and, thus, the account management costs will increase.
- Account number: FI37 1544 3000 3468 95
- When making a donation, please use reference number 7896
The following includes information which is requested to be given each time we receive a new licence:
- Collection organizer:
Telluschool Support Asscociation
- Organizer's contact information:
- The purpose of using collection funds prescribed in the collection licence:
Running of Telluschool, i.e.
teachers' salaries
children's learning and school supplies
pupils' snacks
repair and maintenance of school buildings
- Possible secondary use of collection funds:
food and medicine aid for families in Sri Lanka
- Licence Number RA/2023/1047
Kouluintoa ja -iloa School Enthusiasm and Joy
A 100 schoolbags are waiting to be filled. The people in the village and Dilip's relatives were an excellent help. Two Danish tourists were also involved in the activity.
Exercise books were transported to the Rathgama village by a scooter.
Using these exercise books, each pupil will create his or her own textbook, and it is true that when you are writing or even drawing by yourself, learning becomes easier.
There was a long queue when bags were distributed. All recipients were recorded with their grade and other information.
Bursting with excitement, the children were waiting for the school day to begin.
Parents accompany their children to school.
In the first group there were 52 children present. Another teacher will join the team in addition to this English teacher.
The fellow who carried out the printing work of our bags turned up beside us in the traffic, and so we managed to order a few additional bags for the children who could not come to the distribution occasion. By team-work things run smoothly :)
Once again, we thank you, our donors and supporters. Without you this would not have succeeded!
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