

Maailman epidemia- ja pandemiatilanne kattaa nyt myös Sri Lankan. Siellä on koulut suljettu ja kaikenlainen ryhmässä tapahtuva opetus on kielletty toistaiseksi (alla virallinen tiedote asiasta).

Siispä Telluschool on myös tauolla. Myös vielä siellä olevia turisteja, paikallisia oppaita ja muuten turistien kanssa työskenteleviä kartellaan siinä pelossa, että he levittävät tautia edelleen.

Ei auta kuin odotella ja toivoa tilanteen muuttumista paremmaksi koko maailmassa.

The world's epidemic and pandemic situation now also covers Sri Lanka. Their schools are closed and all
kind of tuition in a group is forbidden for the present (below please find the official announcement of the
Therefore, Telluschool is also having a break. Also, people avoid tourists still visiting the area, local
guides and other people working with the tourists in the fear that they might be spreading the virus.
One cannot but wait and hope that the situation improves in the whole world.

Schools closed till April 20th , No tution classes till March 26th

Written by Staff Writer
12 Mar, 2020 | 7:57 PM
Colombo (News 1st) – Earlier today the Ministry of Education decided to close all Government schools from tomorrow till the 20th of April.
Minister of Education, Dullas Alahapperuma speaking to the media noted that this decision was taken in order to prevent parents from worrying about the spread of the Coronavirus. He added that a request in this regard was also made by the Mahanayake theros as well as the Archbishop of Colombo.
Allahaperuma called for calm stating that the situation in Sri Lanka is not serious.
Meanwhile, the Catholic Education Office in Colombo announced that all Private and International Catholic Schools will be closed from tomorrow till the 20th of April.
The Commissioner-General of Buddhist Affairs Nimal Kotawelagedhara also said that all Dhamma Schools would re-open after the 20th of April.
Meanwhile, All Island Professional Lecturers Association announced that considering the current situation in the country all tuition classes will be suspended for two weeks until the 26th of March.

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